Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The differences in the weather between Canada & Saudi Arabia

As we know the weather in Saudi Arabia is too hot,whatever when I came here to Canada for the first time it was like 9 degrees but this for me is winter!!!!.
When the fall is gone and the real winter is begging in St.John’s I told my self “now you are in big trouble", and I got sick every two weeks.They have 2 to 4 snowstorms a month which is too much for me because I’m not used to snow, actually it was my first experience with snow :( .

Therefor I bought a huge jacket to protect me in the worst winter I had in my whole life.

Believe me I was too funny with the winter clothes. lol

1 comment:

Scott Douglas said...

I can imagine that the weather must have been quite a shock for you when you first came here!